[2021] #1 ᐅHigh Attitude quotes for boys in hindi & eng. / लड़को के लिए ऐटिटूड स्टेटस / asktosms:
Highly Attitude Status in Hindi for Girls and Boys:
Hello Friends! You will get Best Attitude quotes and "Attitude Status in Hindi" and Love Attitude Status here. And you will get some New Attitude Status. Hope you like it. Apart from this, you will also find Khatarnak Attitude Status assortment here. Thanks.
Is it true that you are searching for perilous disposition status messages to share on Whatsapp? Peruse this post in new and new fadoo highly khatarnak attitude status and shayari, oppressive disposition status and illustrious demeanor status for young men and young ladies in Hindi and offer on whatsapp, facebook and instagram.
In today's generation of WhatsApp and Facebook, we love to change our WhatsApp or Facebook status every day. For this reason, we have posted some of the best "Attitude Status English and Hindi" both language here. After this, most of the "Attitude quotes with HD Images" have been posted here so that you can set them in your DP / profile picture and share as you FB, instagram story.
जो अपना है वो कहीं जायेगा नहीं ,जो गया वो अपना कभी था ही नहीं।
He who is his own will not go anywhere, Whatever has gone has never been his own.
"Attitude quotes in Hindi and English for Boys":
हम अपने दृष्टिकोण के अनुसार लड़की के लिए हिंदी में सभी Attitude quotes को अतिरिक्त रूप से स्थानांतरित करते हैं। इस घटना में कि हम दुखद हैं, हम निराशाजनक स्थिति और आनंद में हैं, उस समय हम इसी तरह ट्रांसफर लव स्टेटस करते हैं। किसी को उपभोग करने की स्थिति और साथी व्यक्तियों के लिए मित्रता की स्थिति को स्थानांतरित करते हैं।
Demeanor Attitude Status for Boys in Hindi or English: Attitude is not a negative thing. Disposition causes you to accomplish something else throughout everyday life and make progress. So we have posted here "Khatarnak Attitude Status in Hindi for Boys", "Royal Chalenge Status in Hindi" and "Attitude Status for Boys in English" for WhatsApp and facebook.
मतलबी बनना सीखो ,यहाँ #धोखा मिलते देर नहीं लगती।
Learn to be meanIt doesn't take long to get #cheated here.
जो जले उसे और जलाओ 🔥 ,और जो उड़े , उसे #हवेली पे बुलाओ
Burn 🔥 what else burns,And those who flew, call him on the #mansion
खेलने वालो से खेलेंगे ,और जलने वालो को पेलेंगे।
Those who play will player ,And will feed those who burn.
तेरी रफ़्तार तेज़ होगी ,पर बेटा औकात से आगे मत बढियो।
Your speed will be fasterBut son, do not move ahead.
बदला लेंगे हर एक अपमान का ,समय आ गया ऊँची उड़ान का।
Will take revenge on every insult,The time has come to fly higher.
जो टूटकर भी मुस्कुरा दे ,ऐसा बेशरम हु में।
Who smiles even after breaking down,I am so shameless
कतार में होगा हर वो शख्स ,जिसने मुझे देखकर आज मुँह फेरा है।
Every person will be in the queue,Who has turned his face on seeing me today.
सब बदल गए बारी बारी ,अब अगली अपनी बारी।
All changed, rapidly,Now next my turn.
गुरूर तोडना है कुछ लोगो का ,क्योकि वो खुदको तोप समझते है।
Some people have to break the pride,Because he considers himself a cannon.
सिर्फ इज्जत करने का नहीं ,उतारने का भी हुनर रखते है।
Not just respecting,I also have the skill to take off.
हम तो इतने बुरे है ,कि बुरा वक्त भी आने से डरता है।
We are so bad,bad time also afraids to come on me.
तुम्हारा शौक है तो करो मुझे खूब बदनाम ,फिर भी सबसे ऊपर होगा हमारा नाम।
If you are fond of me, discredit me a lot,Nevertheless, our name will be at the top.
हम हम है जनाब ,फिर आप कोई भी हो हमें घंटा फर्क नहीं पड़ता।
I only I sir,Then, no matter who you are, we do not mind who u r.
हमारी सफलता का गवाह है ,"प्रधान "हम महफ़िलो में जाकर नाम नहीं बताते।
Witness to our success,"principal "We do not tell names by going to parties.
उनके खातिर करके दिखाना है ,जो कहते है इससे कौन सा होना है।
Work to be done for them,Who says, he can not do.
High Attitude Quotes For Boys in Hindi
हम हम है जनाब ,फिर आप कोई भी हो हमें घंटा फर्क नहीं पड़ता।
I only I sir,Then, no matter who you are, we do not mind who u r.
Witness to our success,"principal "We do not tell names by going to parties.
Work to be done for them,Who says, he can not do.
By the way, you get Good Thought related posts on this blog, but this time I thought why not post "Attitude Status in Hindi article". By the way, I have already posted WhatsApp Status , Facebook status. You can see it if you want. After that we have also posted Love Shayari & sad Shayari & hate love shayari which is quite amazing.
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